Integrating Market, Credit and Operational Risk - A Complete Guide for Bankers and Risk Professionals
Released on: September 6, 2007, 3:30 am
Press Release Author: Bharat Book Bureau
Industry: Financial
Press Release Summary: Covering the three major sources of risk this book gives an excellent overview of the exact methodological steps needed for you to evaluate and manage market,
Press Release Body: Bharat Book Bureau, a leading market information distributor has tabled a report Integrating Market, Credit and Operational Risk:A Complete Guide for Bankers & Risk Professionals
Covering the three major sources of risk this book gives an excellent overview of the exact methodological steps needed for you to evaluate and manage market, credit and operational risks arising from banking activities. It moves on to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of Basel II and explains ways for you to integrate these sources of financial risk into this regulatory framework.Among other topics, the focus of the book lies on the construction of a common, reliable and historically based framework for conducting stress tests for the entire banking organization structure. This will ultimately allow you to develop a common integrated framework for the quantification of economic capital and regulatory capital for each source of risk under consideration. Summary
The focus of this timely book is on the construction of a common, reliable and historically based framework for conducting stress tests for the entire banking organisation structure. This will allow you to develop a common integrated framework for the quantification of economic capital and regulatory capital for each source of risk under consideration.
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